Mastering IELTS Writing: Tips, Techniques, and Key Insights

Mastering IELTS Writing Tips, Techniques, and Key Insights

In this page we will know some important information on IELTS Writing with some tricks and techniques. Previously, we have discussed the listening and reading section.

Writing Information:

There are two parts of the writing test. One is writing task 1 and the other one is writing task 2. Writing part 1 focuses on report writing for the academic test takers and a letter for general training exam candidates. Writing task 2 is to write an essay for both academic and general tests.

The length of this test is 60 minutes. You may spend 20 minutes on task 1 and 40 minutes on task 2.

You must write minimum 150 words for writing task 1 and 250 words minimum for writing task 2. Later, we will discuss briefly more on this.

Writing Task 1:

There are several types of writing task 1 for the academic test. These are diagrams, bar charts, maps, line graphs, pie charts and tables. But for the general training test you must write a letter only.

This task 1 is worth only 33% marks for.

It is said that you can spend 20 minutes on this task, but it is up to you. You can use it this time but the total time for IELTS Writing is 60 minutes.

Writing task 1 is like a structure/formula. If you practice more and more then you will get used to this structure. To organize your writing task 1, you can follow this structure:



Body Paragraph 1

Body Paragraph 2

You do not have to use conclusion for this task 1.

 Writing Task 2:

There are several types of writing task 2 for the academic test. Like opinion essays, discussion essays, advantage/ disadvantage essay and solution essays.

For writing task 2, you must write at least 250 words, but it is good to write within 270 to 280 words. If you do not write a minimum of 250 words, then you will get a penalty which will affect the band score.

You must write 4 to 5 paragraphs. And also include a introduction and conclusion part. It is important to add conclusion. You will get extra paper if you finish your answer sheet. You only have to raise your hand.

Scoring of IELTS Writing:

Examiner use assessment criteria for each of the four criteria:

  • Task Achievement (for task 1)   Task Response (for task 2): It means completing the given task accurately and thoroughly according to the instruction provided.
  • Coherence and Cohesion: It refers to how well the ideas in a written response are logically connected and organized.
  • Lexical Resource: It refers to a wide range of vocabulary and phrases that a test taker uses in their writing.
  • Grammatical Resource and Accuracy: It refers a wide range of accurate grammar uses

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