Unlocking IELTS: Your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Answered

Unlocking IELTS: Your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Answered

In the previous article we have written about some details of IELTS and types of IELTS with how it is scored. This page will provide almost all types of FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) with answers on IELTS Test.

Question/ Answer:

Question: Which is best to choose between British Council and IDP?

Answer: There is no difference between examiners and marking in IDP and British Council. Both British Council and IDP are part owners of IELTS along with Cambridge English Language Assessment which means they are all one company.

Question: What is IELTS UKVI?

Answer: This is only for UK Visas and Immigration (Academic) seekers.

Question: Does IELTS accept American English?

Answer: It is an international test of English. For spelling in writing, you must choose either US or UK spelling because you cannot mix them. For the speaking test you can mix the accents.

Question: Is there any break between the reading tests and writing tests?

Answer: Listening, Reading and Writing tests will be taken together and a total of 2 hour and 40 minutes. So, there will be no break between the tests.

Question: How many times can I take my IELTS Test?

Answer: There is no time limit to take IELTS Tests.

Question: What if I have some physical problem like color blindness?

Answer: You must contact the test center from where you have registered for your IELTS Tests.

Question: Is there any chance to take the IELTS test online?

Answer: From the year 2022, IELTS started to offer IELTS test online. It can be taken at home or test center.

Question: Is there any difference between Online or Offline IELTS test?

Answer: No, there is no difference between the format, marking or level of exam contents whether it is online or offline.

Question: How will the speaking test be taken online?

Answer: There will be a video call with an examiner.

Question: What is the advantage of taking IELTS online?

Answer: The result of the online exam will be published within just 3 to 6 days.

Question: How many days it takes to publish the result for IELTS offline test?

Answer: 13 days after you have taken the tests.

Question: How long are the IELTS tests results valid?

Answer: It is valid for 2 years.

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