How to Increase Your Chances of Getting a Scholarship to Study Abroad

A diverse group of happy students holding scholarship certificates, symbolizing success in securing scholarships to study abroad.

If you want to get a scholarship to study abroad then this article is for you. Here, I will discuss 5 steps to get a scholarship in abroad and you can follow those.

  1. Priority Setting and Shortlisting: This is a very important first step which you must take. Priority setting means you must choose a university and course according to your priority and get admission to that university. After you have completed the admission process you can apply for the scholarship. You can ask yourself 5 questions.
  2. Which country should I move to?
  3. Which country’s education system do you like most?
  4. Which country offers various courses?
  5. Which country is best for you according to your field of study?
  6. Which country has more scopes of scholarship?

Start shortlisting your course and country by knowing more and more information. You can google it or add yourself in Facebook groups to know different information on scholarships.

  • Start fulfilling the mandatory requirements: Start fulfilling mandatory requirements for both admission and scholarship. Without submitting all the requirements prove you will not get any scholarship. So, search for the requirements on your selected course.
  • Work Experience: You must have work experience on your chosen subject or your field of work to get a scholarship. If you want to submit a strong application, then you must add work experience. You can prove it by full time job, volunteer activities, internships, teaching/research assistantship.
  • Leadership & Extra-curricular Experience: It is clearly mentioned in most of the scholarships requirements that they will give prior to that applicants who have leadership experience or extra-curricular activities. Extra-curricular activities are one of the important requirements to get scholarship nowadays.
  • Grow your network: This is a very important skill. Some scholarship clearly mention that they need someone who have a god networking skill. For example, Chevening Scholarship – UK. But if it is not mentioned then try to improve this skill because it is not only important to gain a scholarship but also important for your career.

Advice: Keep trying and be consistent. Do not lose your patience if you do not success at the first time. It is a normal thing to fail the first time. Prepare yourself slowly and find your weakness if you fail.

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